Directors, producers, designers, stage managers. Choreographers, sound engineers, illustrators and animators. Composers, sculptors, metal workers and furniture makers.
At Orient Unlimited, we are all those things. But we are more.
We are artists, craftsmen, augmenters of reality, creating experiences that push at the edges of convention and imagination. We are makers, doers, masters at work, leveraging the technical brilliance and ingenuity of our hybrid team to activate the senses and trigger emotional reactions from our audiences.
Ultimately, we are storytellers. Expressing the essence of you, your brand, your message and values.
At Orient Unlimited, we are a hybrid crew of both seasoned experts and emerging talents, pooling together all our skills and ideas to deliver incredible events with exceptional execution, all on time and within budget. Rigorously detailed, technically proficient and with super high production values, we drive the entire process from concept to completion, and everything else in between.
We don’t just design pretty things. Everything we do, every decision we make, has a meaning and a purpose, bespoke and tailored to our clients' needs.
The three pillars to our approach are narrative, craftsmanship and creativity, and in all our events, quality and attention to detail is queen. We take commissions across multiple disciplines including fashion, music, visual and performing arts, festivals, museum exhibitions and experiential events, creating temporary happenings that leave permanent impressions.
Working locally, regionally and globally, for every experience we produce, Orient cross-pollinates our core team with maestros from the worlds of art and architecture, product, fashion, graphic and lighting design, adding a frequent infusion of world-class guest specialists from ballet, cirque, opera, film, animation and the music industry, curating international supergroups and unique events specific to each project and brief.